Preparation Guide
The preparation guide is a great place to start preparing for the conference, and it can be particularly useful both prior to and during YMUNE XIV. Delegates can refer to it constantly during committee sessions, but the preparation guide also serves as a resource on how to research, give opening speeches, write draft resolutions, and everything else a delegate should know about Model UN (and YMUNE more specifically).
Rules of Procedure
The preparation guide also includes all the rules of procedure that YMUNE XIV will be using. It is important that delegates familiarize themselves with them prior to the conference in case they need to ask clarifying questions to their Directors during the first committee session, during delegate training on the first day of the conference, or during the training sessions that we will be offering prior to the conference (to be announced soon!). It is great to have an overall idea of how a Model UN conference runs well in advance—we want to make sure that everyone comes it with the same level of preparation after all—but naturally, the best way to learn Model UN is by doing Model UN!
The preparation guide includes (nearly) everything there is to know—but in case you have any questions about its content, please contact us at